Jeanne-Catherine Ellis

JEANNE-CATHERINE ELLIS is currently living on the North Shore of New York's Long Island. Her fondest memories of her high school years include participating in every musical group possible: orchestra, chorus, ladies barbershop ("Barberettes"), concert band, stage (jazz) band and marching band. As a spectator at one marching band competition, Jeanne was drawn to the Sunrisers' information table. Her father had introduced her to DCI on a public access television channel, and she happily volunteered with her local Sunrisers DCA corp, until family matters pulled her away. Even with a law degree and a side-gig as operations manager for a beach-based contractor, Jeanne's love of music - and the positive influence of marching/drum corps music - did not diminish. Reaching out to all drum corps and marching-related sites, it was the Distant Harmonies project that attracted her to RCR. A welcoming reaction to her initial praise of that project has lead to her joining together with a great group of people who look ahead to building RCR and all that it offers.


David Camp


Jason Harden