Brian Veith
BRIAN VEITH has been one of the band directors at Buffalo Community Middle School in Buffalo, Minnesota, since 2019. He graduated from the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities in 1999 with a Music Education degree, where he was a member of the Marching Band, Pep Bands, Wind Ensemble, and various other small ensembles. Since undergrad, he also earned a Master’s Degree in Education.
Prior to Buffalo, he was at Dassel-Cokato High School for 20 years, where he directed the 7th-12th grade concert bands, pep band, marching band, winter drumline, pit orchestra, and various other small ensembles. He continues to love working with the dedicated musicians of RCR every summer after joining the staff in 2017 and being the Brass Co-Caption Head in 2019-2020.