Q: Who is eligible to join RCR Winds?

A: Even though WGI Winds Independent groups are permitted to have members of any age, RCR's primary focus is youth education, so we are imposing our own age limits. These will follow those of WGI Independent Open Guard ensembles - members must be 23 years of age or younger on April 1st, 2025 to be eligible to participate. We do not have an age minimum; however, we expect the average age of RCR members will be around 18-19. 

Q: What instruments are allowed in a Winds ensemble?

A: Winds groups are open to a large variety - everything from typical corps brass instruments to reeds/woodwinds are allowed to be part of the ensemble, and we will be seeking members for every section!

Q: Where will you be rehearsing?

A: Most rehearsals for RCR Winds will take place in Faribault, MN.

Q: Why not rehearse in the metro area?

A: We are doing our best to keep member dues low, and rehearsing in Faribault allows us to share space with our Indoor Percussion. To limit travel, we will have a place for members to stay overnight on Saturday nights if they choose to do so. We do separate sleeping areas so minors are not mixed in with adults, and a staff member will always be on site with the group.

Q: When will you rehearse?

A: RCR Winds will primarily rehearse every other Saturday and Sunday starting in November. We will be switching to a weekly weekend schedule once the show season starts in February. Our calendar will always be kept up to date with any changes and members will be notified well in advance.

Q: Will you be going out to WGI this year?

A: Of course! We will be competing in the WGI Winds World Championships in April!

As we learn how to navigate the WGI Winds circuit in our first season, we plan to begin in the Independent A class.

Q: Will this interfere with my school's music program(s)?

A: The great thing about RCR Winds is we consider ourselves an extracurricular activity, which is why most of our rehearsals and performances are limited to the weekends. Also if a member is still in high school, we will work to make sure their respective band director has given permission for the student to participate and is aware that in the event of any scheduling conflicts, the school's program receives priority over RCR Winds.

Q: What will the in-person audition process be like?

A: We won’t have formal auditions but we will ask members to play their instrument for our staff. We expect members to be familiar with their instrument - it’ll be important that they can practice and learn show music on their own time (we can’t do everything on the weekend rehearsal schedule only).

Q: Will there be virtual auditions?

A: Yes, RCR will be offering virtual auditions, though we strongly recommend auditioning in person if possible as it provides a much more accurate assessment - both for the staff evaluating the student, and for the student deciding if the group is a good fit for them.

Q: Do I need to submit a virtual audition if I am attending one of the Experience Days?

A: No. We will give membership feedback during the Experience Days. Virtual auditions are for those who wish to join the ensemble, but cannot attend either of the Experience Days.

Q: Will transportation be provided to shows throughout the season?

A: Members will be required to provide their own transportation to rehearsals and performances. We will set up an internal communications channel to help contracted members coordinate carpools if they would like. Most 2025 shows will be within the greater Twin Cities area; a full list of shows will be provided closer to December. Transportation WILL be provided for the WGI trip at the end of the season.

If you still have further questions, please feel free to email them to info@rivercityrhythm.org.