2025 Winds VIrtual AUDITIONS

Thank you for your interest in RCR Winds! Please complete the following steps to submit your virtual audition:

  • Please fill out this form to register.

  • In order to receive the audition materials, please send payment in one of two ways:
    (please note that the virtual audition packet is different from the ‘Experience Day’ packet)

    • $25 via Venmo - @rivercityrhythm

    • $28 via PayPal - payments@rivercityrhythm.org

      In either case, please be sure to label the payment as "Winds Virtual - (your name)"

  • Shortly after sending payment, you will receive an email from videos@rivercityrhythm.org that will contain your section’s audition materials.

  • When you are ready, you will email an unlisted YouTube video link directly to videos@rivercityrhythm.org. Please include your name and your section, along with the link.

Once you have submitted your video, you should receive feedback directly from a staff member within one week from when the video is received. From there, the staff will provide more information on the next steps for you.

If you do not receive feedback after ten days, or if you have any further questions, please email videos@rivercityrhythm.org.

Virtual auditions must be submitted by Sunday, November 3rd.